ディズニー・ヴィランズ バレエクラス レッスンCD [Bruno Raco, Disney Villains Ballet Class 175C]

ディズニー・ヴィランズ バレエクラス レッスンCD [Bruno Raco, Disney Villains Ballet Class 175C]

販売価格: 4,700(税込)



Bruno RacoのバレエレッスンCDです。

ディズニー・ヴィランズ バレエクラスは、ディズニー映画の音楽がアレンジされています。





<ピアニスト: Bruno Raco>




⇒ Bruno RacoのレッスンCD一覧はこちら

⇒ ディズニー音楽アレンジのレッスンCD一覧はこちら

⇒ ミュージカル、映画、ポピュラーソング系レッスンCDの一覧はこちら



1. Warm Up I: Oh, Sing Sweet Nightingale (From "Cinderella")
2. Warm Up II: Evil Like Me (From "Descendants")
3. Plié I: La Llorona (From "Coco")
4. Plié II: Welcome to the Moors (From "Maleficent")
5. Tendu I: The Siamese Cat Song (From "The Lady and The Tramp")
6. Tendu II: Be Prepared (From "The Lion King")
7. Tendu III: Poor Unfortunate Souls (From "The Little Mermaid")
8. Tendu IV: Oogie Boogie’s Song (From "The Nightmare Before Christmas")
9. Tendu V: Savages (From "Pocahontas")
10. Jeté I: Mother Knows Best (From "Tangled")
11. Jeté II: Evil Like Me (From "Descendants")
12. Jeté III: Friends on the Other Side (From "The Princess and The Frog”)
13. Jete IV: Higitus Figitus (From "The Sword in the Stone")
14. Ronds de Jambe I: Maleficent Suite (From "Maleficent")
15. Ronds de Jambe II: The Elegant Captain Hook (From "Peter Pan")
16. Fondu I: Queen of Mean (From "Descendants 3")
17. Fondu II: Trust In Me (The Python's Song) (From "The Jungle Book")
18. Frappé I: I Wan’na Be Like You (The Monkey Song) (From "The Jungle Book")
19. Frappé II: Beetlejuice Theme (From "Beetlejuice")
20. Grand Battement: Prince Ali (From "Aladdin")
21. Adagio: Hellfire (From “The Hunchback of Notre Dame")


22. Tendu Center I: Rotten to The Core (From "Descendants")
23. Tendu Center II: Cruella De Vil (From “101 Dalmatians”)
24. Adagio Center: Prince Phillip (From "Maleficent")
25. Pirouettes I: Mad Madam Mim (From "The Sword in the Stone")
26. Pirouettes II: Once Upon a Dream (From “Maleficent”)
27. Petit Allegro I: Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf? (From “Three Little Pigs”)
28. Petit Allegro II: Love Is an Open Door (From "Frozen")
29. Assemblé I: Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee (An Actor’s Life for Me) (From "Pinocchio")
30. Assemblé II: Painting the Roses Red (From "Alice in Wonderland")
31. Sissonne: Mine, Mine, Mine (From "Pocahontas")
32. Grand Allegro I: Gaston (From "Beauty and the Beast")
33. Grand Allegro II: Yo, Ho! (A Pirate's Life For Me) (From "Pirates of the Caribbean”)
34. Coda: The Mog Song (From "Beauty and the Beast”)

